2 / 17 / 15
Fish soup + North of Norway
I go home, to winter darkness, kicksleds and moose in the garden
10 / 07 / 14
A walk on the South Bank
The walk along the South Bank is one of the finest walking trips in London
8 / 18 / 14
Cherry pie from Moldova
I went to Moldova, the poorest country in Europe and witnessed kindness in grey landscape
5 / 06 / 14
Travel tips to London and Paris
London has beer and gastropubs. Paris has wine and bistros. Which one is the best food city?
3 / 16 / 14
Greetings from New Orleans
In front of us a giant lake appears. The Interstate does not abide, but continues straight ahead
11 / 09 / 13
Athens + Greek salad
The Acropolis, tzatziki, Greek salad and the bluest sea. My Greek holiday memory
3 / 28 / 13